Special Edition: Radio Philosophy #005 – PC LANGUAGE.

Political Correctness is
if you try to force good taste on language.
What exactly does that mean?
Examples for PI (political incorrectness) are:
Afghanistan, Irak, World-Wide Economical Crisis.
Nowadays, the US presidency
is truly a dirty job. And who has to do it?
Of course, a person whose skin colour is black.
Another example for PC:
In Germany, the dirtiest job is currently
the ministry of economics.
A short time ago, it was still occupied by Glos.
His political persuasion is black.
Now Guttenberg does it.
His political persuasion is also black.
What was it Roberto Blanco
said to Franz-Josef Strauss?
We of black colour must stick together.
You see, that is PC.

Translated by EG


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