
There is no need to be afraid of the world economical crisis. It is only a virtual threat.

What is real is the eventual loss of integrity of the Federal Republic of Germany in Afghanistan, the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, fires in hundreds of coal mines, the destruction of diversity of species, the litter pollution of the oceans with plastic, the radio-active waste with half-time values of several human generations, the exploitation of our water reserves and the destruction of all our environment.

What is real is people dying from thirst and hunger.

What is also real is the voluntary modification of central requirements for life on this planet that were stable for more than ten million years.

These are things we should be afraid of.

John Lennon would never have sung to protest against the financial crisis in the Paris Hilton Hotel. But he sang to protest against all the other things I mentioned in this article.

(Translated by EG)

On, you will also find an article on Angst.


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