Partisan, II

Von kk

In psychology, they have the term:


It means:

let us take away all that


in your external sphere.

What are YOU doing 
going through life more or less


In the case of a Caucasian, hetero-sexual male,
self employed, paying 47% tax, expected retirement money:
82o Euros, time spent daily gathering information (net and print): 2 hours, 37 minutes.

1. Being self-employed,

you have about 5o% of your time left for autonomy 
and self-efficacy.

2. Being an employee/worker

and paying the full income tax in our “social” system“
you have about 25%.

The rest is Leviathan.

If – against better knowledge – you decide to listen to electronic media 
and read the choir of published laments on our Social Republic of Misery,

all that remains for you is the partisan attitude:

Slip-slide away individually.

Do not listen to Mass Prop.

Get active where you can move
with relatively little effort.
In the case of the Caucasian hetero-sexual,
47% tax, 5 children, this means:

a) starting the next firm,

defending your 50 % self-efficacy,

b) social dedication in the Senior Expert Service, career counselling at middle school,

getting potential failures towards their degree and job.

Installing the idea of SELF-EFFICACY among those who are lower than you.

It is the only way up. Not via SPDCDUCSUFDPGRÜN.

a) will hopefully render 2oo T€ p.A.,
b) will render 2o € each month.

The partisan was quite delighted with b).

(Translated by EG)

See also “Partisans Wanted” (Partisanen gesucht) – you must read it.


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