UTB – Palermo #12 Looking Back

A few days after our arrival home, I like remembering our trip.
We rode 600 kilometres. Between Salerno and Messina, we rode our bikes all the way.

On Sicily, we treated ourselves to a shortcut by taking the train from Messina to Cefalù and then we rode another beautiful stretch between Cefalù and Palermo.

There were a few things that surprised me. I never knew that Sicily is the largest island on the Mediterranean. It is larger than Sardinia, but also larger than Corsica, Cyprus and Crete. I also found the high price of fuel in Italy remarkable. For instance, one litre of Diesel fuel costs between 25 and 30 cents more than in Germany. The same is true for normal fuel, but it seems like this fact has no influence on the Italian drivers.

And then there was the special fascination of Sicily. There is a mixture between morbidity and a spirit of optimism. The beauty of the land, the way of life. I was really fascinated by all of it.

Here are some of the most beautiful pictures I took on the trip…



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