Zum Sparpaket allgemein will ich nichts schreiben, das erscheint mir alles sehr willkürlich und zusammen gewurstelt. Und wahrscheinlich weder ausreichend noch wirksam. Einfach so ein unseliges Paket von müden Kompromissen.

Die „Verkehrsabgabe“ als Teil des „Sparpakets“ erscheint mir als ein besonderes Mogelpaket.

Das beginnt mit der „ökologischen Abgabe“ für in Deutschland abfliegende Fluggäste. Die 14,- EURO pro Abflug zusätzlich (das erwartet der Münchner Flughafen, keiner weiß es ja) sind halt dann noch ein lästiger Zuschlag mehr beim Flug nach Thailand, der noch mehr Bürokratie erfordert.

Die Finanzverwaltung haben wir schon. Wieso führt man also nicht endlich mal in der Luftfahrt die Mehrwertsteuer für Kerosin ein? Notfalls noch eine „Ökosteuer“ dazu? Warum soll ich beim Verfrachten meiner nicht ganz 100 Kilo einen Zuschlag zahlen, aber nicht für 100 Kilo Luftfracht?

Ganz zu schweigen von der Zwangsdividende für die Bahn. 500 Millionen EURO soll die Deutsche Bahn AG in Zukunft jährlich an den Staat ausschütten. Was natürlich entweder ihre Investitionsfähigkeit und/oder ihren Schuldenabbau einschränkt. Woher aber weiß unsere Regierung überhaupt, dass die Bahn AG die nächsten Jahre seriös und regelmäßig Gewinn machen wird? Und sollte nicht gerade heute in die Bahn investiert werden?

Beides, die Luftverkehrsabgabe und die Bahnzwangsdividende machen einen wesentlichen Teil des Sparpakets aus. Nur dass sie mit Sparen nichts zu tun haben …


Eine Antwort

  1. I think we can all agree that laws in Germany, particularly tax laws are full of silly little illogicalities, causing unfairness and wasted effort in managing them. Part of this involves how income and expenditure is divided up among different levels in the state hierarchy (nation, regions and communes). In the following, I lump them all together.
    But Roland, savings are made possible either by reducing spending, or by increasing income.
    Businessmen and their organisations almost all demand reduced spending by the state, (rather than increases in tax and other state income). There are some good reasons for this. State enterprises contribute little to export, which is vital for us. State enterprises are often seen to work less efficiently. Their workers, particularly civil servants („Beamten“) often are protected from the risk of job loss for bad work. These workers may be undeservedly rewarded, due to networking together with politicians.
    Banking is an interesting case, where investment banks have made a mess, while state banks have done even worse.
    But there are counter examples, where privatisation has worsened value for money in some services. And a lot of state work could hardly be left to private firms; for instance control of private firms.
    A large part of state expenditure is help for people who cannot well help themselves, such as unemployed and pensioners. Nobody wants to see people starving in a rich country, or to see increased expenditure on keeping the poor from grabbing more.
    So how much of the economy should be private? In the western democracies this seems to have landed at about 50%, which is probably about right. Sweden had to back off from a higher proportion.

    Lastly two comments on particular suggested social savings:
    It seems right that unemployed should not get „parent money“. This was intended to reduce loss of income due to having children, (which does not apply to the unemployed). This seems to have been a silly mistake in the original parent-money law.
    It seems wrong to take away „heating money“ from the unemployed. It would be bad enough simply to reduce unemployment money. But at least such a change would hit all equally. The only reason I can see for this idea is very cynical. In June, cold winter is far enough away, that people do not think so much about the need for heating!

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