Old Age Insurance Fraud

Currently, pensions are again discussed a lot. Well, there is nothing new about that over the last few years. Some people already demand that we need a legislation to “work until you are 70”.

Now that is all rubbish!

Pensions are too high. Consequently, they should be lowered. First and foremost, we should say good-bye to such nonsense as the pension-stability legislation very quickly. Then, we should set a fixed basic sum – why not higher than now? – that cannot be touched. And the rest should be linearly lowered as far as possible. Even if it means 50%.

Nobody should be afraid of the retirees. The current retired people in Germany belong to a “golden generation”. They were the first generation in Germany to ever be able to live all their adult lives in times of peace. And they experienced an almost never-ending increase of prosperity. They should be grateful for this each day and ready to give up prosperity.

This same generation, however, also plundered our planet along with us, thereby generating burdens of the past that will have a very detrimental effect on future generations. Consequently, I have no problem if one or other of our retired persons has to exchange his Daimler against a Polo (or the Polo against public transportation). That is more than reasonable. Incidentally, why do we never ask what gives a person who is no longer fit to work the right to still drive a car? Isn’t driving a car also work? Even work you should be doing with all your concentration and physically in excellent shape?

Pensions should be paid from the time the majority are no longer capable of working. I would make sixty the common age for retiring, because even today only 16% of all people between 60 and 65 are still employed. And I know how hard it is to find a job if you are older, even if you have an academic degree. To make up for it, you should allow people to work while receiving their pensions. All the restrictions for work when you already receive your pension should be abolished. There must be no taxation and other social nonsense for additional retirees’ incomes earned through work!

Along with it, the health insurance should undergo a reform that deserves the name. The only thing that makes sense is: a very simple and cheap compulsory insurance that covers a minimum of basic medical care. Whatever is beyond that, all customers have to pay either themselves or by extra insurance policies.  And the costs of the medical system must, at long last, be made transparent for the user. All invoices for medical services, even if they are paid for by the insurance, must absolutely be laid open. People have to know what their doctors or hospital charge and what the tablets cost. They would probably be appalled and think before consuming.

Well, and all that would remain to be done after that is attack the pensions of civil servants and politicians – and in no time everything would again be manageable…

It is really quite simple!

(Translated by EG)

Of course, I know that no politician will ever dare to propose any such thing – because they are all afraid to lose votes. Yet, I am sure “the people” are wiser than the politicians and I am sure a majority would both accept and support the aforementioned measures (provided they are really meant seriously and all parties concerned share the burden). There is no way we can continue like this.
Yet, if you do nothing, the result will be the same. Except it will happen through destructive detours, such as inflation, state bankruptcy, revolution or whatever, along with massive social injustice and further polarization between poor and rich. It can be safely assumed that this will be the deadly blow for our social consensus.
And here is what I really fail to understand: why do the young people let themselves be so massively ill-treated?!


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