Loyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, let it be known that he is only “a banker doing the work of God”. So what exactly is he doing? Goldmann Sachs declares...
brand eins in February – Tough.
This time around, Brandeins is about “The Brand“. And, of course, about “Marketing“. In the end, it comes down to “Sales“. I admit that all three topics are extremely interesting...
Bill Gates meets Mrs. Angela Merkel
Here is what I just found in Twitter: BillGates Great meeting w German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Again encouraged by what a stong and enlightened leader she is on intl development....
Desert Tec #008 – Meadows Eye
The heads of Dennis and Donnella Meadows can be seen behind the publication headline of “Limits of Growth” by the Club of Rome in 1972. Taking the amount of what...
“The Benign Queen” or “A Fairy Tale about...
Since this is the weekend, here is another very special article: a fairy tale about politics and business! The story was related to me by an expert in the illumination...
“0.1 Gigawatt Per Family!” or “We Economize on...
A friend of mine is an engineer. And a physicist. He is very clever and always does his calculations about everything. I admire him greatly. Being a mathematician, I cannot...
“Let’s Go Zürich!” or “Travelling By Train”
After three wonderful days of skiing with Barbara on the Kanzelwand (Kiezlern, Kleinwalsertal), we got up at 7 a.m. this morning. As predicted both by the weather forecast and our...
Special Edition:Radio Philosophy #064 – WAR SALES PROMOTION.
Heute beginnt die Afghanistan – Konferenz. Kriegsverkaufsförderung für die murrenden Bürger zuhause.
“30 Million Is Too Much” and “Well, So...
I had just published my article on the application of patent laws when a very trustworthy friend of mine told me the following story. It dates back few years already:...