Travel Journal Stralsund #4 From Stralsund to Waren...
Wir wollen nach Berlin! 121 Kilometer sind es am Sonntag geworden. Das obwohl wir wegen des schönen (und langen) Festes erst deutlich nach 10:00 weggekommen sind. Die lange Distanz war...
Travel Journal Stralsund #3 From Zingst to Stralsund...
Saturday was a day of leisure – we only rode 58 kilometres. Our plans had been for this short distance in order to have enough time left for Stralsund and...
Travel Journal Stralsund #2 The Second Day From...
Welcome back to my travel journal Hamburg-Stralsund-Berlin. On Friday, we started early. At 9:00, after a dream of a breakfast, we sat on our bikes and saw nothing but sunshine....
Travel Journal #1 Getting There and 1st Day...
Since I was asked, I decided to write another one of my travel journals. This time, it is about “Stralsund”, where I ride my bike along the Baltic Sea coast...
This weekend, I downloaded another one of Rupert Lay’s presentation. The title is The Egotist’s Ethics Rupert Lay gave this presentation on September, 10th, 2000 on the Ronneburg castle. Strange...
Gerlinde Has Had Enough! Or Maybe Not?
Zog es Gerlinde plötzlich wieder zu Carl zurück? Hing sie mehr an ihm als sie dachte? Oder wurde sie nur weich gekocht?
Tweets on Twittering and Blogging #114
Here are my tweets of last week on: Blogging and twittering, wisdoms and rules: 120510 Misery knows no closing time – also true for bloggers and twitterers. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom...
In 2012, the common theme of our presentations at InterFace AG is: Living (and surviving) in a sustainable way. Frau Susanne Hofmann of the Tölzer Kasladen will talk about it...
The World of Insects …
Here is another article I found on the internet. For many years, the industrious ants have been gladly coming to the enterprise each day. They love their job, are hardly...
“Gema or Youtube?” or “When Ownership Means Wasting...
Meine Zweifel an unserer Art, Eigentum zu leben, haben zwei Ursachen.