It seems like I, for one, lack energy. This might be due to one or several of the following facts: This is a wonderful summer, providing us all with many...
Dear family, dear friends, I am going to open a training centre for professionals where handicapped adolescents can learn following the dual system. We will start with the faculties cooking...
Tweets on Twittering and Blogging #177
Here are my tweets of last week on: Blogging and Twittering, Wisdoms and Rules: 130801 If something comes from the heart, your heart will believe it – good advice for...
Last Thursday, the “IF Academy” travelled to the TUM at Garching where we were welcomed as guests. In the afternoon, there was a presentation on Crowd Sourcing at the Konrad...
Is There Still Hope For Us … ?
Or will we drown in stupidity …? Due to the current state of affairs, I remembered a theatre play Norbert Weinberger and yours truly drafted and then wrote during a...
Richard Gutjahr (in Twitter: @gutjahr) calls himself a journalist and blogger who is often ahead of the times. I discovered him “online” rather early. (Unfortunately,) He often says what I...
Beer & Informatics – July, 18th, 2013...
IF-Akademie: Felix Köbler Crowd Sourcing & BahnScout, TUM Garching, Beginn 16:00
Tweets on Twittering and Blogging #176
Here are my tweets of last week on: Blogging and Twittering, Wisdoms and Rules: 130725 What do you expect of dirt except that is smells bad? – Be careful, twitterers...
brand eins in July
Browsing through the daily headings in newspapers and magazines, I sometimes get the unpleasant feeling that all this effort of mine is rather pointless. Reading “braind eins”, however, is different...