Third IF Forum 2014 on Thursday, October, 23rd,...
At InterFace AG, 2014 is dedicated to Galileo Galilei. The three IF Forum presentations all have the motto: “Cosmos, Humans and The Turn of an Era”. We will invite Galilei...
Strategy is not a Glance in the Rear-View-Mirror.
They might end up in the wrong hands – our weapons. In fact, it is fairly certain. The weapons the Western Countries gave Gaddafi are now used for destruction all...
Start-up (4) – The Mass-Produced Enterprise.
Warum die US-Muster hierzulande versagen.
Start-up (3) – The Pragmatic Way Toward Foundation
Die Retrospektive zeigt: Die eigene Gründung ging gut, weil im nach hinein viele notwendige Voraussetzungen erfüllt waren.
The Arcis-Vocalisten Will Sing: “The Bat”
It is the unchallenged “Queen of the Operettas”, having swept away and fascinated the world-wide audience for 140 years with its inescapable esprit, passionate scenic speed and subtle humour: “The...
Entrepreneur’s Diary #100 – “Recruitment“
Unglaublich – schon der 100. Eintrag in meinem Unternehmertagebuch!