“Breaking with Patterns” at Dornbirn PM Camp #PMCampDOR
Ich freue mich schon auf Dornbirn und will dort vieles in Frage stellen.
Visit the Arcis-Vocalisten! Dates.
I already advertised a few of the Arcis-Vocalisten concerts. Evelyn, who always helps me so much, sings in this choir with great enthusiasm. And she keeps telling me about all...
Was mich am Diesel-Gate am meisten bestürzt hat und ich noch nirgends gelesen haben.
Stories-Meal – Very Old and Totally Modern.
Katrin Frische and Sacha Storz had invited us to a “Stories-Meal“ (Erzähl-Mahl) in the offices of TechDivision. I like both, so I gladly went. Another reason to go was that the TechDivision is...
Is ‘Social Justice‘ just a Misunderstanding?
Ja! Wenn wir weiterhin glauben, dass ‘Gerechtigkeit’ viel mit ‘Gleichheit’ und wenig mit ‘Freiwilligkeit’ zu tun hat…
ALL POWER TO NOBODY LIVE EXPERIENCE! Now About: All Power to Nobody! LIVE! All Power to Nobody - that is the motto proclaimed by Dr. Andreas Zeuch. In his new...
I almost forgot: Karlsruhe PM Camp on September,...
I am angry with myself. I almost forgot the Karlsruhe PM Camp. And it would not have been advertised. This is not tolerable! Dear organizational team in Karlsruhe: please accept...
Conference versus Anti-Conference
Warum die alten Konferenzen und Tagungen immer langweiliger und Barcamps immer spannender werden.