It seems that yesterday’s kick-off for the project peace was a success. I think we, and in particular Jolly, reached the people. We also produced nice video material and will...
Letterbox Companies, Corruption and More of the Same...
Im Land der Roßhändler lässt sich’s gut leben, wenn man die Einkaufsmacht in der Hand hat.
Stupid (?) Questions?
Here are a few current events that I find questionable: Negative interest Once upon a time, they actually paid you interest on what you had in your savings account. However,...
The Masters of Reforms.
Here is what happened before I wrote this article: Currently, I have much-loved visitors from China. Yesterday, Sunday (April, 24th), our visitor wanted to see the Federal Talk Show “Anne...
Jolly und ich freuen uns auf einen wunderschönen Abend mit viel Freude für neuen Mut und Vertrauen.
New Barcamps is What the Country Needs!
Warum meine Begeisterung immer mehr nachlässt …
Basic Knowledge: Traffic Ecology –
Basics, Areas of Interest and Measures to be Taken for a Change in Transportation That is the sub-title of the book Grundwissen Verkehrsökologie by Udo J. Becker. It was published by the oekom-Verlag, which...
Letterbox Companies, Corruption and More… (Series) #2
Warum der “Bestecher” und der “Bestochene” Komplizen sind.
Entrepreneur’s Diary #116 – Social Media: Corporate Twittering
Modern enterprises want their employees to “actively participate” in the company. The participation of the employees when things are developed and their actively being part of decisions is considered a...
Everything Smart, or What? Smart Cities!
Or: Why I like “Friendly Persons” better than the “Angry Citizens”! On April, 5th, there was another big event in Munich: The “Forum UnternehmerTUM“ at BMW Welt. Here is the original...