“Election Campaigns and Gifts” or “Compliance for Politicians and Citizens”

Do you know the meaning of the word “Compliance”?
bild0244 According to leo , possible translations into German for “Compliance” are:
Befolgung, Einhaltung, Einwilligung, Erfüllung, Folgsamkeit, Fügsamkeit, Komplianz, Lernfähigkeit, Nachgiebigkeit, Ordnungsmäßigkeit, Prüfzeichen, Übereinstimmung, Unterwürfigkeit, Willfährigkeit, Zustimmung und die Einhaltung (bestimmter Anforderungen).

Wow! Small wonder nobody was able to find a single German word for a term so full of facettes.

If someone is talking about compliance, what they mean is “behaviour towards business partners that sticks to the rules”. The intention is that corruption and the “sale of what is unsalable” is reduced.

The definition of business partners being: customers, suppliers and employees. You are not permitted to offer gifts to employees of customers or clients. A conflict between private interests and business interests might arise when they have to choose a supplier.

Equally, you must not accept advantages from suppliers or clients. Accepting an advantage of some pecuniary value, might, for instance, influence your choice and thus cause an undeserved preference for a supplier, which might even be detrimental for your own enterprise. That sounds sensible and is basically self-evident, even if we currently often see bizarre situations.

Big enterprises and public authorities, in particular are very strict about this. Employees cannot accept invitation by friendly enterprises. Others need a certificate stating that the value of the accepted invitation does not exceed a certain amount of money. Gifts must neither be offered nor accepted.

And people actually adhere to those rules, even if they often seem (and probably are) extravagant. Multiple “violation of compliance” would probably be a good reason for giving notice to someone, which is another reason for strictly adhering to the “compliance rules”.

What a difference between that and politics! The world of politics is the world of gifts. Gifts paid by other people’s money! And definitely at a level that is relevant: be it 2,500 Euros (for declaring a car a wreckage), or 100 (extra premium for a child) or more pocket money (for retired people). Even groups, like taxpayers, are collectively offered advantages, though considering the current financial situation, that does not sound like very ethical behaviour to me.

And nobody is ashamed to accept those bribes. Not long ago, I received an extra amount of money on my bank account as a premium for my children. I have not yet returned that money. And now the idea of not giving my vote to my benefactor gives me a bad conscience.

By rights, the politicians who gave these presents would have to be put to trial for violation of compliance law. The same is true for the voters who give their vote to those politicians who offered them advantages. Maybe their right to vote should be suspended for a few years.

🙂 Followed by a demand that they return the campaign presents.


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