“Lemonade in the Wawi” or “What a Blessing: There is No Inflation”

Isar-TwitterYesterday, we decided on a bike tour in small formation: Barbara, my small daughter Maresa, and yours truly. We rode to the Wawi (forest restaurant).

The WAwi is a beer garden with music entertainment in Grosshesselohe, on the high Isar shore. As long as I can remember, there has always been beautiful music played there – Jazz, Blues and sentimental songs.

I enjoy going there, listening to the music, taking in the good mood all around and relishing the beautiful way along the Perlacher Forst. Getting there from the east (from my home in Riemerling), you cross the Grosshesseloher Bridge. The view from there alone is rewarding enough to make the trip worth while.

Musik-WawiThis week, Tricia Leonard and Combo from Munich play in the Wawi. One of them is an old acquaintance of mine playing the saxophone. What a great finish of a busy office week!

As I go to outlet 4 in order to buy a “Radlermaß”, I discover that the sum of the individual prices for half a litre of lemonade and half a litre of beer is less than the price of a full litre of the mixture.

Finding that a little illogical, I ask questions. The answer is simple: yesterday, prices were increased and outlet 4 was the only one where they forgot to update the signs. Until recently, half a litre of lemonade cost 2.90 Euros at the Wawi, now it is 3.30 Euros. If you look at outlets 1 to 3, you will see the right price.

That is correct, so I pay without complaining. Yet, I am a little surprised, since 40 cent is more than 10 % – although officially there is no inflation! For a father of seven, this is not such good news, because children enjoy drinking lemonade. And if you enjoy your own beer (or beers) you can hardly deny your kids their limo, can you? The price of beer, too, has increased in the Wawi – now the litre is 7.20 Euros. Not bad.

Now I assume that soon lemonade at the Wawi will be just as much as everywhere else in the EU, namely 5 Euros. Then the litre of beer will be 10 Euros – and there will still be no inflation! At least, it will be easier to add up the sum total and pay.

(Translated by EG)


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