Poll: blogging is …?

Since more than fifty readers took up our invitation to think about blogging, here is the result:

As the Blogstudie der Universität Leipzig shows, bloggers and blog readers are, naturally, inclined to exchange opinions. Consequently, it does not come as a surprise that our poll shows similar results. To be precise: 46% of all voters.  As a matter of course, our authors are also very comfortable with social networks.

More and more people see the internet, and especially also blogs, as a contact point for unfiltered information. You make up your own mind after evaluating the sum of all other information on the topic. For 28% of our readers, blogs are also a means for getting hold of other opinions. They use it in order to – as “Bild-Zeitung” says: – “Form their own opinion”. Because, often just a short sentence is not enough.

BloggenIstThe two more conservative answers are on the two bottom positions. Both users and suppliers will certainly not believe that blogging is a „useless waste of time“. A neutral observer, however, might well ask if blogging is not overrated, or used as a means for sharpening your own profile. Be that as it may: blogs are part of the playground internet and their usefulness is in the eyes of the beholder. 19% of the readers believe that there are better ways to spend your time than blogging.

Only four voices said that the blog might be abused for power play. I am sure a popular blog can have some influence on people’s opinions. However, the degree to which this happens is dependent on the orientation of the blog, the style and competence of the author, etc. – and, of course, it also depends on the reader’s susceptibility.

(Translated by EG)


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