A short time ago, in my article “Nano Technology and Ethics”, I outlined a few ethical questions and requirements that should be discussed before new technologies are promoted or installed. In my opinion, this kind of discussion could be extremely helpful if we wish to have a responsible attitude as we introduce new technologies.
Whether a new technology is more detrimental than beneficial in the long run can usually not be determined at such an early stage. Consequently, new technologies must be initiated and promoted. Still, an early ethical discussion is necessary, because it might pave the way for the introduction of reasonable rules and perhaps even help to prevent collateral damage.
That is how I felt. But now I was reminded of the old saying that
“War is the father of all things”!
It seems that inventions motivated by war must be unethical by definition, except if you define winning a war as a necessary ethical goal. However, this would be a rather questionable approach, since it can be assumed that the two opposing parties will always have two very different opinions on this issue.
If war is the father of all things, then the ethical discussion is pointless – or even more important.
And you would have to come up with something to replace war as the father of all things, for example with the following motivation:
“In order to survive, the human race has to make responsible use of new technologies!”
Because, similar to our daily meetings in business, we have to remember:
It is not our colleagues who are our enemies, but the problem that needs to be solved
(this is old management wisdom).
Consequently, what we should do in our globalized world is refrain from nurturing unnecessary enmities. Instead, we should collaborate when trying to solve our basic problems together.
(Translated by EG)