The Web, Wok and Aid for Agent Orange Children

Von ms


Roland asked me for an article in which I introduce myself. That is not easy, because I see myself primarily as ghost writer for Francis Van Hoi. To this role, however, I am now dedicating a considerable part of my time on various technical fields of interest.

I wrote my diploma thesis on hypertext. A few months later, Tim Berners-Lee proposed a new project to his employer CERN: he called it the WorldWideWeb. If the WWW did not exist, a significant part of my life would be totally different. After all, most of my life is about learning quickly and multi-functionally. Without research in the web, the Wok burner and many other items in our household would never have been built. The web makes it possible for me to have my office at home and thereby be able to share my time with our two children and my wife. Because you can only witness your children’s childhood in the Now, not in retrospect at some later time. And if there were no WWW, I would have no chance of trying to get some support for Francis Van Hoi through Roland’s blog …

Basically, I only know Francis through my wife. When she said that my wok burner would never be a success, I had to prove her wrong. After the burner had been built and CE tested, another company was founded. When the thing was actually sold, it needed auxiliary equipment. And that was something you could get in one of the then five Asia markets in Munich owned by Van Hois.

That was more than six years ago. Nevertheless, I knew next to nothing about the person Francis Van Hoi until half a year ago. It was then that he asked me if I could help him with one of his projects. This is how the sometimes dramatic story of this first Vietnamese in Bavaria unfolded before my eyes. He is a thoroughly educated and informed person who tells exciting and humorous tales and who follows his chosen moral obligation with a determination that should make a huge impression on anyone.

Incidentally, Francis Van Hoi arrived in Vietnam a few days ago. Besides his many other tasks, he will first organize the Christmas excursion of the 420 handicapped children supported by the Salesianer projects throughout the entire Vietnam. You can help him.

(Translated by EG)


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