Well, the “How” has been crossed out – so it seems like by now the question is only about “continuing”. Even before it was in my letterbox, I had read quite a bit about the April “Brandeins” in twitter. Consequently, I got even more intrigued about its content.
The reason is simple: the front page shows a person who is quite well-known in twitter @jkleske. That is quite an achievement for the “small” twitter community.
So how will it continue? This is a good question. Consequently, the focus of this “Brandeins” edition is: Life Planning!
Now you all know quite well how much I appreciate “Brandeins” and how, of course, I am fascinated by the current edition, as well.
So I thought why not let others write today and just copy a few sentences from the twitter world:
joergoyen @bgmb lese gerade auf S. 111 # brandeins über Dietmar Schmidt und Kingmedia … ihr alten Tekkies 😉 about 18 hours ago from Tweetie
tapioliller Bewerbertest zum Social Media Wissen: aktuellen BrandEins-Titel zeigen und fragen: “Kennen Sie diesen Mann?” 😉 1 day ago from Seesmic
unixtippse @tapioliller Was ist jetzt BrandEins? 1 day ago from Endless Tweets
machajo RT @antjeschrupp: Boah! Tipp-Kick-Figuren gibt es bald auch in weiblich! #brandeins
sebaso Gerade fast mein erstes Magazin in digitaler Form gekauft. Was mich dran hinderte: Gibt’s nur gedruckt. #brandeins
MKohlmueller #ff Schon allein der Artikel “Die Rache der Nerds” macht die akt. @brandeins kaufens- & liebenswert! Köstlich! Danke…
sachark Zugfahren, dabei die @brandeins lesen und Sophie Zelmani hören – das Leben könnte nicht schöner sein
wortschnittchen Verzichte auf Regenwetter. Bleibe auf Sofa. Brandeins lesen.
StefanW Guten Morgen Twitteristi! Nettes Thema in der akt. @brandeins: Bunte Hunde #patchworkCV http://twitpic.com/1b8pqr
I think that will do for the time being. If you want to read more, log into twitter and enter “Brandeins” in the search machine.
🙂 And I close my MacBook and go into my garden to read Brandeins. #Sun #Spring #Deckchair #Brandeins
(Translated by EG)