IF Forum: Agile Software Development on June, 24th, at InterFace

On the afternoon of June, 24th, (starting at 2 p.m.), we will have the first technological IF forum at InterFace. It is about agile methods. In many projects and over many years, our developers accumulated experience in agile software development. They have also contributed to various workshops with their experience.

“Agile software development” is a technological, methodical and cultural topic. We would like to share this experience with our customers and partners.

The chairman of our supervisory board, Professor Dr. Manfred Broy, will speak the introductory words. Here is the rest of the agenda IF-Forum Agile SW-Entwicklung (24. Juni 2010) (1348 downloads ) .

Of course, I would be happy if many of you came, especially since you are also invited to drink my health because of the birthday I will have celebrated a few days earlier after the forum at 5 p.m.

All friends who cannot come to the forum but would still like to join in are very welcome at 5 p.m. – I will be happy about any guest who takes the time to come.


(Translated by EG)


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