I would like to thank all my friends who donated for the agent-orange children very much!
Here is some information for you if you need a contribution receipt:
The money was accepted and forwarded by the Don Bosco Mission. Now the Don Bosco Mission would like to send you the contribution receipts. For reasons of data security, however, they can only give me the names of those people who put both “Agent Orange” and “Geburtstag Dürre” on the money transfer form. If you are one of them, I will arrange for you to get your contribution receipt.
Many of you just made a generous contribution and wrote “Agent Orange” without “Geburtstag Dürre”. Consequently, Frau Sauff of the Don Bosco Mission would very much appreciate it if you all told her your addresses. Otherwise, she cannot write out a proper contribution receipt. Of course, your addresses will not be used for any other purpose, nor will they be stored.
Francis van Hoi asked me to say thank you so very much from him, too. He will continue to tell us what he does and I know with how little money he achieves quite a lot.
(Translated by EG)
Here is the address:
Don Bosco Mission
z. H. Frau Sauff
Sträßchensweg 3
53113 Bonn
with a note saying: “für Frau Sauff”.