If I am a failure at school,
my parents will beat the teacher.
If I am get obese,
it was my genes.
If I am too thin,
it is due to the wrong idols.
If I become an alcoholic,
then the addiction centre of my brains is responsible.
If I smoke heroin,
it is because of my family.
If I turn out criminal,
I can always blame my determination.
If I am the victim,
it is the culprit’s fault.
If I feel poorly,
I ask God for help.
If God does not help,
it is the devil’s work.
If I am a politician and fail to do anything,
then the facts were just against me.
If I am a failure as manager,
the company has a responsibility towards me.
If I am an immigrant,
those living there already have to provide everything.
Please continue.
There is a clear trend in Germany.
From Not-Me to You-All.
Well, it is only a logical consequence.
After all, the great, unique and highly autonomous Ego was a German invention.
It was the German Romanticists.
Yes, it was definitely very, very romantic, wasn’t it?
(Translated by EG)