“brand eins“ in July

Now the „brand eins“ has again been sitting at home for more than a week. I already found it in my letter box last Sunday, on returning home after having spent four wonderful days in Kitzbühel with my bike. But I had a turbulent week, so it had to wait.

Consequently, the first opportunity for me to read was yesterday in the train (on our way home from quite a nice company outing of InterFace AG to our Nuremberg branch). And I had to start reading online, because the paper copy was still at home, wrapped nicely in its cellophane envelope.

So this time, I will start my report on the July edition in a way totally different from what you are used to. Here is my recommendation: why don’t you first click onto the current edition (Aktuellen Ausgabe) and then read the collection of citations on the right side of the page?

It also gives you an opportunity to take a first glance at the entire page: The World of Numbers (Die Welt der Zahlen) and Swabian Erotics  (Erotik auf Schwäbisch – What is Useful for Brands) are available on the “brand eins” online page. I suppose it is because they want to whet your appetite for buying the magazine.

But you should definitely not miss the editorial Long Live the Secret! Here are three pragraphs by Frau Fischer – which I hope will motivate you to click on it:

“We live in the era of transparency!”, said the person sitting opposite. He knew I was going to agree. After all, there is little you can find to say aginst it. Since everybody can now make everything he or she sees and knows available to the world at large, secrets have become something hard to keep. But did that really make the world in general and the economy in particular more transparent, that is more easy to see through? Or even easier to understand?”

Lack of transparency was never the problem” (p. 122). And at least the chronological course of the Greece crisis points towards the fact that it is not necessarily information that is missing in a crisis situation. Actually, good common sense is what seems to be sadly absent (p. 50).

This is not me being against openness – it is just a warning against expecting too much from it. No matter if we are talking the fight against corruption (p. 68) or against inimical powers (p. 84): the access to data is only a small part of the problem. And even if it is true that Wikileaks causes bankers and politicians sleepless nights – so far it has not made the world a different, let alone a better place (p. 90).

Now if you are still too lazy to follow the links, here is some information on the July edition.

The title is:

We See Everything!

The corresponding question is:

But What Difference Does It Make!

The  focal point of this edition is


Here is a short comment on the term:

As I understand it, transparency  (Transparenz politics – Politik and market[business] – Markt) is the little brother of clarity – Klarheit. Clarity (for example clarity in an enterprise or for a strategy) is very important in my life. That is why I also added some „components“ to the German Wikipedia version. It was not at all easy to add „clarity“ in Wikipedia. There is certainly a lot of room for improvements for both terms. Consequently, how about reading the corresponding “discussion pages”?
And this morning, I finally removed the cellophane envelope of my „brand eins“ edition and started reading. And I was rather seriously chastized for being late at the breakfast table. And I was told it is my own fault if my soft breakfast egg is now cold and hard.    
There you see what you get if you set your priorities wrong.
Well – it is absolutely worth reading!
And the only question for me to ask now is why you no longer get any soft breakfast eggs in hotels. Is that what they call EU progress, or what?


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