Here are my tweets of last week on
Blogging and Twitter, Wisdoms and Rules:
110721 If the song is not a very good one, you will soon get tired – well, the same is true for twittering and blogging! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
110722 No Why without That’s Why – something to ponder on for twitterers and bloggers? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
110723 No water is to clear for being tarnished once in a while – also true for twitterers and bloggers! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
110724 No answer is also an answer – also true for twittering and blogging! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
110725 No happiness without misery – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
110726 No rule without exception – all twitterers and bloggers know it, don’t we? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
110727 No rose without spikes – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Bloggen #Weisheit
There is a new tweet each day. See Twitter and “follow” RolandDuerre!
Translated by EG)
I took the proverbs from Alle deutsche Sprichwörter.