Dear If blog readers,
the next IF forum gives me a reason to write these “bi-weekly news”:
On Friday, November, 18th, 2011, at the usual time, Herr Dr. habil Walter Riess will speak in the third and last IF forum of the year 2011. His topic is
Nano Technology – The Future of IT
Herr Dr. Riess is head of the department “Science & Technology” at Zürich IBM Research GmbH. I very much look forward to his presentation. There are still places available. We will meet at 6 p.m. in the IF building, the presentation starts at 6.15 p.m. If you are interested, just contct me.
For more information on this presentation, click on IF-Open ( under
My next presentation in Munich will be during the EAA colloquium „Current Developments in Technology and Business“. It is about:
Of Projects, Leadership and Management – It Is Always About Humans Interacting …
This presentation is on November, 3rd, at 1815 hours. The location is lecture hall 33/0101 of the University of the Armed Forces at Neubiberg. I am permitted to invite guests and would be delighted to welcome many of you. For details, send me an E-Mail.
I am truly happy about having managed to make more presentations by Rupert Lay available on youtube. Two presentations he held in 1997 on the Ronneburg, on both “Ronneburger Sundays” for the Ronneburger Kreis are about.
“Looking for Meaning in a Complex World” of April, 20th,
“Globalization – Catastrophe or Chance“ of September,16th.
These presentations are very special. You will really benefit from taking a look at the videos. The easiest way is to follow the following links:
Zwei Vorträge von Rupert Lay aus 1997 (Globalisierung und Sinnsuche)
And, of course, I will be truly delighted if you visit my IF Blog ( once in a while, or just enter the Posts (
So here are my best wishes for the weekend full of Golden October Days to you and many thanks to all the readers of this email!
Roland Dürre