Yesterday evening, we went to an event of the Velbert Pirates about:
“Unconditional Basic Incomes: A Modern Concept for a Welfare State” – the sub-title was: “The Way Towards a Modern and Transparent Tax and Social System”
We have been thinking about topics such as BIG and “new money” for quite some time now. We communicate with Susanne Wiest and through her with Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy. Consequently, this presentation right next to where we live seemed like a godsend.
Our impression
As opposed to what we had expected, we were not the oldest among the audience. No, we were rather the average age group. In our region, the pirates seem to have organized themselves in such a way that the younger generation took the organizational jobs and the older generation is responsible for supplying input in terms of information and discussions.
We found the unconstrained and open atmosphere rather attractive. It did not feel like “what do these elderly persons want with us?”. On the contrary: this was an open exchange of opinions. The presentation itself by the social politician Olaf Wegner started with the social legislation under Bismarck and ended in its first part with our current situation. You can conclude: every time had its own ideas and solutions and approaches towards said solutions. Except in our times, nobody can actually understand the tax and social legislations.
Solution approaches
In the second part of the presentation, we were told about the work of the “Social Pirates”. With the aid of numbers and graphic displays, a realistic model for the BIG – one which can actually be realized – was introduced. It could be realized within a single year. I will not go into details about the numbers in this article, because this would mean an isolation from the context. If you are interested, just click here: Link.
The Pirates we met are not lunatics. They are well organized, have realistic ideas and communicative competence. Using this approach, the BIG following the concept of the (social) Pirates seems feasible.
(Translated by EG)