Here are my tweets of last week on:
Blogging and Twittering, Wisdoms and Rules:
130711 If something grows roots, it means to stay – also a rule for twittering and blogging? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
130712 Things will not get better if you laugh at them – also true for twittering and blogging! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
130713 If you wish for something, you want to believe it – also true for blogging and twittering! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
130714 If something does not belong to you, let it lie – also if you are a blogger and twitterer? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
130715 Never say die – not to forget, twitterers and bloggers. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
130716 Something that does not come from the heart will not go to the heart – also true for twittering and blogging! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
130717 If something was not made for cutting, no amount of whetting will make it sharp – careful, twitterers and bloggers. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
There is a new tweet each day. See and “follow” RolandDuerre!
(Translated by EG)
I took the proverbs from Alle deutsche Sprichwörter.