What I Like #1 – DuckDuckGo!

I like DuckDuckGo!

You do not know DuckDuckGo?

No problem. As always, you will find all you need to know about DuckDuckGo in Wikipedia. And you can just go ahead and try it if you click here.

What happens is you will immediately see the no longer quite so new search engine. It is not some intellectual nonsense like Wolfram|Alpha. You will find the look a little retro. And functionally, it is probably where google was ten years ago. But it is already surprisingly nice to work with. And if we all support DuckDuckGo, they will soon improve.

The time when the “Snowdon disclosures” (which, incidentally, were not disclosures at all, because our hackers had known it all for several years) reached the public awareness were the time when it was definitely clear that DuckDuckGo is now presentable. Because DuckDuckGo does not collect user data.

Consequently, there cannot be a “user bubble” either It is something I do not want and I will gladly forego the alleged comfort of “tracking” and collecting my input.

I want a search engine to render the same result for every user at all places and at all times. Because a user should be wise enough to know that, if, for instance, he is using the search engine for finding a restaurant called Bella Italia in Ottobrunn, he would have to enter Ottobrunn on top of “Bella Italia”.

So why don’t you go ahead and quickly try DuckDuckGo? – Even if it does not protect you against NSA.

(Translated by EG)



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