
Basically, I am reluctant when it comes to commenting such atrocious events. This time, however, I would like to share a few ideas. Simply because, to me, it seems like the public discussion is too oversimplified and prejudiced.

I miss people demanding from the investigating offices (or even better: the intent of said investigating offices) to investigate with a huge amount of transparency and publicity. At least parliamentary control should be guaranteed. To me, it seems like the argument that this is not possible because it would threaten the success of the investigation is not legitimate.

I would demand this because the past taught us again and again how cautious you must be with condemnation in advance of trial. Too often, we saw how in such situations offices have been pushed by individual interest or made “blind on one eye”. Even our enlightened Federal Republic of Germany gives us lots of examples: from the Octoberfest assassinations in 1980 through NSU. Consequently, you cannot and must not condemn in advance of trial in such a case as this.

It also seems remarkable to me that in the USA, a country where weapon enthusiasm and weapon lobby are ever-present, a country where the death penalty is a normal thing and where both individual persons and the executive powers react to violence with counter-violence, – that in this USA the pencil is now becoming the new super-weapon. In my opinion, this is cynicism and in itself deserving a caricature. The USA especially missed the chance of showing greatness too often, causing world-wide damage with un-thought-through politics.

So far, they are only looking for “alleged culprits” and talking “main offenders”. Even if it turns out that the culprits were Muslims, this does not mean the motivation had its roots in religion. Just like there are “insane Americans” who commit the crimes of a homicidal maniac, you will also get insane Muslims. Statistically spoken, you should actually have more of them, because there are more Muslims than Americans living on this planet…

I mentally associate this latest with assassination attempts in other countries. For instance I find public outrage rather minimal whenever a weapons fanatic in the USA massacres people in a school. And how quickly it is all forgotten in the media and then how easily the NRA (The National Rifle Association) has both the public opinion and the government again under control.

Last not least – I wonder why? – I remember the terror an Israeli army caused in Palestine not so long ago at the command of its government, laying in ruins an entire city.

Consequently, I would recommend even with this atrocious event in Paris that we retain a little serenity during the discussion. Maybe it is a good idea to first wait and see who is behind the scenes.

Imagine, for instance, what would happen if the murderer were “occidental warriors” of a French “Pegida” who staged the attack in order to make it look like “Islamic warriors”. That would be the occidental Worst-Case Scenario. And perhaps this cannot be? Also because Madame Le Pen and consorts would not appreciate it.

(Translated by EG)


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