
2013Oberstaufen2Now it is over, the G7 summit. It hardly mattered to me – except that, on my way back home from Zurich in the DB IC-BUS last Saturday, I was subjected to massively armed and gum-chewing policemen at the German border. Also, many helicopters made a lot of noise during the G7 weekend and before in the skies over our home country. We in the south-east of Munich had high air traffic.

But what moved me was that, apparently, the top leaders of nations still have not learned what wise managers already should know in the third millennium: part of good leadership should be to display a certain amount of humility and mindfulness. The same is true for understanding the people emotionally and being capable of some empathy for their sorrows. If possible, it should come along with a sense of reality – applying modesty and with the adequate appearances.

However, this plays no role when our political elite act. They will quickly declare that they represent an “association of values”. And the bad guy Putin is not invited. Because he would be a risk factor for the unity as demonstrated by the others. Even if, behind the façade, said unity is not all that pronounced.

Yet we know that those who talk most about values have the fewest. After all, it is no coincidence that the “rich nations” basically always live at the cost of the “poor ones”, enjoying to leave them in suppression and dependence. Protection of acquired possession is the motto. After all, none of us want to jeopardize our prosperity, even if it reduces us and will eventually kill us.

On the other hand, the gentlemen of the world have learned that you need to announce positive things. Consequently, they announce what “results” have been achieved. Now they really want to find an approach for doing something about the climate. Everybody knows that declarations of will are often publicly manifested and celebrated, yet even one week later they will be meaningless.

(Translated by EG)


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