Invitation to a Preliminary Event for the AktMobCmp on October, 14th, 2015 at Unterhaching
I already told you about our plans on the IF Blog. On January, 4th and 5th next year (2016), just before Epiphany, we want to start a new Barcamp.
It is the AktMobCmp, the first barcamp for “Active Mobility in Everyday Life”. With this barcamp, we want to address the topic “mobility”, which will be truly important for our future.
The preparations are finished: we have a location that is well suited, a nice website, a flyer for sponsors and a general flyer – and even some first interested sponsors.
Now we wish to get people’s attention for the event. Consequently, we invite everybody to attend preliminary events. The first of these events will be on October, 14th at the Agenda 21-Meeting-Hall (Treff) in Unterhaching (Rathausplatz Unterhaching, Hofmarkweg 12) between 18:00 and 20:00 hours. This is the first time we want to inform everybody about our “Barcamp Active Mobility”.
During the event, the following questions will be answered:
Why is “active mobility in everyday life” so important?
What exactly is a “Barcamp and why do we organize this as a Barcamp“?
During this evening, Jörg Schindler will tell us all why mobility is such an important topic in the future and why we all need to get more concerned with the so-called remaining traffic beyond the “individual & motorized” and “public transportation” sectors.
I know Jörg as a very competent, but also a very convincing and entertaining speaker. You will also find his very exciting and valuable presentations on YouTube. Here is an example:
Afterwards, I (Roland Dürre) will give you the definition of Barcamp and also tell you why such an “anti-conference” is so much better for sharing knowledge and developing and applying new insights than the common classic formats. And I will use PM-Camp as an example to demonstrate all the things you can achieve if you share knowledge and “communicate with each other”.
After the short presentations by Jörg and yours truly, we will discuss what has been presented. Perhaps in the form of a FishBowl.
This is how we want to advertise our January 2016 AktMobCmp. All colleagues of the “Agenda-21 organizations” in the district of Munich will receive personal invitations. But we also welcome all other persons interested in “Agile Mobility in Everyday Life” and who wish to think of and act towards a future that is worth living in. That means that you, too, are invited. And it would make us especially happy if persons from the media were to find their way to our event.
Participation at the preliminary event for AktMobCmp is free of charge. All participants are welcome and we would appreciate it if you send a short E-Mail confirming that we might expect you. Because if there are not enough seats available at the meeting hall of the “Agenda 21”, we will move to another location. One which can easily be reached on foot from the meeting hall. Naturally, we will notify you in advance if such a change of location has become necessary.
(Translated by EG)