2000 before Christ. Roland and his Neubiberg horde are totally disrupted by an Unterhaching horde. After a few turnings of the moon, his wife Barbara assumes that, perhaps, Roland is...
Teaching Refugees Rules
Würde so manche Probleme lösen.
For how much of the 17,000 years since...
Detlev Six führt Dialog über Wahrheiten (letzte und vorletzte).
We, the Cheese Cover Freedom Heroes.
Die Angst des Einen ist die Freiheit des Anderen.
Are We All Sea Squirts?
Die Seescheide ist ein Meeresbewohner, der sich, sobald er einen passenden Platz zum Altwerden gefunden hat, sein Leben lang nicht mehr bewegt.
Strategy is not a Glance in the Rear-View-Mirror.
They might end up in the wrong hands – our weapons. In fact, it is fairly certain. The weapons the Western Countries gave Gaddafi are now used for destruction all...
Strategic Moral: Putin’s “ShowThiefStrategy”
Well, wasn’t it a brilliant idea of Putin? An emergency convoy with food and medicine has been sent from Russia to alleviate the misery of the East-Ukrainians. Simultaneously, the Russians...
The Good and the Evil Inside all of...
Many football fans were touched. When the Brasilian defender David Luiz asked the audience to celebrate and console the sobbing James Rodriguez of the Columbian team that had just lost...
The Drug Barons‘ Christmas Wish from the Politicians.
Das Drogenverbot hilft nur den Drogenbaronen.
Dictionary of Term Accuracy: Growth Politician
There is no such thing as a politician in general. There is just one sort of politician. The growth politician. The only thing he ever learned is how to distribute...