You have already read about day number one of the Creative Scrum Workshops (see: link). Now let me tell you my impressions and experiences of day number two:
After the requirements were clarified (structure), we ran two sprints for designing our flyer. During the first sprint, we were going to build sub-groups and find headwords for every theme. We also wanted to generate the corresponding texts and do the proofreading. The second sprint was for design (layout) and final arrangement.
While the sprint was under way, however, we discovered that there were more tasks that needed to be done, such as weighing the goals and gathering information, before we could think of writing texts. Writing the actual texts, too, turned out to take a lot longer than we had anticipated.
Consequently, the tasks originally assigned to the first sprint were finished during the second sprint, whereas the layout and final text arrangement were postponed to the following week.
What did we learn in the SCRUM workshop?
We learned that SCRUM is an excellent method for working in teams in a structured and efficient way. It can be applied to all kinds of themes. We also saw how important it is for the “product owner” to clearly define what needs to be done if we want a result in the shortest possible time. Having an idea about the required time before you start with the work, too, is absolutely beneficial for all kinds of tasks.
Even though we did not manage to finish our flyers – the drafts of the texts were written! 🙂
I would like to thank Christof Stierlen and Alexander Maisch for supplying the resources and providing us with a goal-oriented introduction. Also many thanks to Florian Forster and Harry Wartig for letting us use the „creative collaboration tools”.
Manuela Weber for the TEG team
(translated by EG)