Manage&More Innovation Project: Invitation to Attend the Presentation of Intermediate Results

Von cs

Dear folks at InterFace!

Manage&MoreThanks also to your enthusiastic feedback during the questionnaire rounds, we can now present the first results on:

“Creating a brand for the InterFace AG. – How do we see ourselves? How do others see us? What would be desirable?”.

Frau Niederle of U-TUM has kindly invited all interested InterFace employees to come to Garching (on December, 18th, 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m).

If you intend to go, please send me a short note.

Christof Stierlen

Here is the official invitation by Manage&More: Einladung zu UnternehmerTUM (1264 downloads )

(Translated by EG)


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