Flashback: Radio Philosophy #033 – APPRENTICE IN RESERVE.

It is vacation time.
GRÜNSIX is in no mood
to write new spots.
So they repeat the old ones.
But that does not at all mean
those are outdated.

A new law is in the making.
For regulating the fee to provide a place for an apprentice.
A law is just practical.
Everything can be reglemented.
Just like this.
But what is it the fee to provide a place for an apprentice will regulate?
Money instead of an apprenticeship?
Apprentices in reserve?
Apprentices as a German export hit?
The truth is.
Nobody really gave it another thought.
Not the government.
Let alone the unions.
Laws mean you are on vacation as far as thinking is concerned.
And Germany is the most popular place for this kind of vacation.
Talking about a proposed law of the year 2004.
Doesn’t that remind you of the new retirement law?



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