How do you interpret the word “discrimination”?
answer is probably something derogatory.
It used to mean a distinction.
As it still does in “discriminant analysis”,
Where numbers are not degraded,
but minutely differentiated.
So what caused this new meaning
in everyday language?
It is because nowadays we must not be different.
Men must not differ from women.
People whose skin colour is black must not differ
from those whose skin colour is white.
Male authors must not differ from female authors,
which is why Gruensix is called “AutorInnen” in German,
even though they are both men.
That is what the Equality Law has decreed.
We want a ministry for word ethics
against inconsiderate treatment of language.
That ministry will not be held by a German “MinisterIn”.
Or a Minister Person.
Or a Ministerial Chairholder.
But by a man,
or a woman.
(Translated by E