Radio Philosophy #019 – LUXURY.

You buy a towel at Aldi’s for 95 cents.
And a Rolex luxury watch for 50,000 Euros.
Are you schizophrenic?
No, you are perfectly normal,
Because to you, this watch is worth the price.
The watch is a fetish,
Says Marx.
In former times, it was wooden rods or stones,
Sometimes raw, sometimes not.
The value of the material was not much,
But giving the owner magical power.
If you own the fetish, you belong
To the tribe.
If not, you do not belong.
That is what man feels most acutely.
He cannot suffer loneliness.
Today, brands are the fetishes.
You need brands.
You, my dear listener, too, want to belong.
That is why you pay that steep price
For the watch,
Not for the towel.

(translated by EG)

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