Radio Philosophy #077 – C-CLASS.

There is a new Marx.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx.
He, too, is into class struggle.
He fights for the C-Class
He thinks the C is the most reasonable of all.
He not only justifies the values 
of the German C parties.
For him, the roots of civilization 
are Christianity and
its concept 
of humans being God-like.
For him, a post-Christian society 
has no positive fascination whatsoever.
And he finds it easy to forget
about human rights.
There is a unique advantage to those.
As opposed to the ethics based
the three mono-theistic religions.
While the latter justify what divides them
with their respective truth claim,
the human rights are universally applicable.
And that makes them a unifier.
Take care, little Marx.
A greater man than you 
failed because his ideology was too big.

(Translated by EG)


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