Getting a Kick Out of It

Von Li

“And all this after I took pains, made an extra effort, and worked to the breaking point!” – this is one of my favourite scenes in “Tadellöser & Wolff” (Walter Kempowski). In her sober Rostock manner, Mother Kempowski expresses her displeasure with the current situation (during World War II and directly after). I usually remember and smile about this sentence (not because I cannot appreciate the hard times the Kempowskis had) whenever I have just finished some hard work or hear others who have. And then they lament or are dissatisfied. In my personal opinion, the major objective of everything we do is something else: plainly and simply to Get a Kick Out of It.

I Got a Kick Out of It when scientific research proved me right, after I had warned, advised against and criticized Powerpoint Abuse. To say it quite plainly: Powerpoint as mostly used leads to stupidity, blindness and frustration. You’ve read right! Our brains are mistreated and the desired result of the presentation is blocked out. Instead of enlightenment and information, what you get is confusion, stress and resentment. That is exactly what I have been demonstrating as a practitioner in counselling. And I offer ways out! Now, many managers, teachers and entrepreneurs can inform in a clear and motivated manner. Messages that find their destination and have a lasting effect make the sender just as happy as the recipient. That is self-satisfaction. I am a very satisfied person.

I included a Spiegel-Online article:

Beamer on – Brains out. Powerpoint-Nirwana


Here is the link to the Spiegel article Beamer an - Hirn aus Powerpoint-Nirwana (4762 downloads ) for you to download and read.


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