A Last Farewell for Rüdiger

Rüdiger Vorndran was a very cherished friend of ours. A few years ago, he had to start his fight against a very treacherous illness. I very much admired his courage. And I kept my fingers crossed, hoping for him to win.

On Christmas Eve, Rüdiger died. Having been born in November, 9th, 1950, he was only a little younger than I. On January, 1st, 2012, Rüdiger was going to retire – due to his illness. Well, he did not quite make it. He died on December, 24th, 2011, a Saturday.

Now he leaves behind his wife Marianne, who was so important for him. And three children from his first marriage.

He could not have won his last fight. Barbara and I will miss him very much.

On the last Thursday of the year 2011, we attended his funeral. Marianne had asked me to tell the congregation a little about our relationship with Rüdiger. Of course, I happily agreed. At the end of my short address ( Ansprache (951 downloads ) ), my voice failed.

I stood before his grave at the town cemetery of Wolfratshausen, saying my final farewell.

Best wishes, Rüdiger


(Translated by EG)


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