A Potpourri by Ulf Posé!

Here is a little reading material suitable as a small Sunday ethical fireworks.
Or “Mail from Ulf Posé“.

You will find four sequels of the ethical compass by Ulf, written in the form of his most current columns at managerSeminare.

He reports four moral misunderstandings.

Using four very short articles that are really worth reading:

Do we need camaraderie or friendship?
Wir müssen alle Freunde sein! (2596 downloads )

If all that mattered on the way to a career were competence, many more women would have to sit on the really “important” positions?
Auf's Können kommt es an! (2990 downloads )

If you only stick literally by a rule without asking its meaning, you will eventually end up with the opposite of what was originally intended?
Eine Regel ist eine Regel! (2727 downloads )

On the three rules by Anatol Rapoport

  1. „Always start out cooperating“
  2. „Always react to cooperation by cooperating“
  3. „Always answer non-cooperation with non-cooperation”.

(Tit for Tat)?
Der Klügere gibt nach! (2602 downloads )

You will also find the links on our documents page (Dokumente). And there are many more interesting titles for downloading and reading, apart from those written by Ulf.


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