Mobility of the Future – #agile #digital #lean #open #social
Future mobility will have to be totally different from today. Because it is quite obvious that we cannot continue in this way. Everybody more or less knows it.
Other countries, such as the Netherlands, seem to be on a promising path. We, however, do not seem to be able to incorporate the necessary change. After all, in the future, mobility should again be there for the people, instead of vice versa. We want to make a mental and active contribution.
Our Goal
We want to give new impetus to the #AktMobCmp (Barcamp for active mobility in everyday life) tradition with a series of evening events. We will start on Tuesday, April, 11th, 2017 at 7 p.m. A young and very exciting enterprise, the
accu:rate GmbH | Institute for Crowd Simulation | Rosental 5 | D-80331 München
invited us. For registration, click here: MeetUp or send an email to me.
On this day, we plan to have a moderated “lean coffee“ with a time-box following the 3×3 principle: (1) be precise, (2) negotiate in cooperation and (3) reap what you have sown. As an inspiration, there will be a few impulses given by Dr. Jessica Le Bris (GreenCity), Florian Sesser (Gründer accu:rate GmbH) and yours truly (Initiator #AktMobCmp) before the Lean Coffee.
Here are a few theories and questions to inspire you.
- Agility and mobility are human needs.
- The industrial revolution replaced agility with planning and Taylorism.
- The belief in the omnipotence of humans due to technological progress starts to dwindle.
- The era of hierarchies and Taylorism is at its end.
- The individual and motorized mobility as we have it today is only allegedly agile.
- The mobility of the future will be more rational, instead of emotional.
- The motility of the future, too, must become “agile”.
- It cannot be done without a considerable percentage of “active mobility” (moving under your own steam on foot, on your bike or with other supportive devices).
- Active mobility is good for your body
(we only have this one body and consequently should treat it in the best possible way)
and - it makes it possible to make better use of our precious commodity: time.
(our time is limited, it will not return after it is over). - ….
- Why do people prefer to stand in the congestion, rather than move in fresh air?
- Why are parking spaces in public places so strongly state-subsidized?
- Should two-stroke Otto engines be abolished altogether?
- Do we all really need a car?
- What should the smart city look like?
- Is it really necessary that, every year, more than one million people have to die in traffic accidents, with even more being severely wounded and ending up crippled?
- Did you know that half of all the head traumas happen to people sitting in cars
and - yet those who drive a car need not wear helmets?
What can we all do to make mobility softer?
We appreciate all input. We also want results. Here is how it could happen.
- Share our knowledge;
- Experience and realize things;
- Gain new insights;
- Formulate our ideas clearly;
- Develop ideas
and - start to shape a fresh world of ours.
Target Group
AktMobCmp wants to reach mostly those who feel dissatisfied with the current mobility situation and its consequences.

(Translated by EG)