I love the agile manifesto. It always says that A has priority over B.
Here is an example:
“Individuals and interactions have priority over processes and tools“
In other words:
Perhaps the values on the right side (B) are useful, but those on the left side (A) are more important.
I will now apply this diction to my “favourite terms” and formulate the opposite (as a trigger for discussion).
- Co-ordinate the decentralized things beats central execution
(–> The CEO – Central Executive Officer becomes company coordinator) - Coaching beats Managing
(–> Abolish hierarchies, replace managers by coaches) - Agile beats inflexible
(–> follow common sense, instead of a plan) - Competence beats power
(–> the future is no longer determined by a hierarchy) - Lean beats waste
(–> less bureaucracy, administration and departments) - Common good economy beats Shareholder Value
(–> Customers and employees are stakeholders and more important than shareholders) - Self-organization beats command structures
(–> Teams, rather than the manager caste, determine how to do the job), - Open beats secret
(–> free communication instead of systemic) - “Entrepreneurial Clarity“ beats “strategic ideologies“
(–> traceability) - Social beats asocial
(–> an end to privatizing profit and socializing loss) - Digital & electric beats mechanical & analogue
(–> new work concept) - Informal communication beats systemic reports
(–> knowledge is liberated and shared) - “Shared economy“ beats “individual property “
(–> #newlife, “property is a burden“) - “Business must serve the people” beats “humans serve business“
(–> #newwork) - ….
At school, I learned that everything that ends with “ism” should be handled with care. Consequently, I am glad that I never came across the word agilism. Yet I can easily imagine that some enterprises I know behave in a way that might be correctly described by the term.
I would simply say “change is the goal”.
(Translated by EG)