Blog Slackness

Currently, I have a slack period. Mind you, I have plenty of ideas. As a matter of facts: each day, I discover some absurdity or other in the newspaper or news broadcast that would be worth (or even call for) writing about. But mostly, all I can manage is a short note for later processing.

Today, I spend the day at Oberambach on the Starnberger See. It is one of those magical places where all your senses are awakened. In recent years, we (the IF directors) have been meeting regularly in order to think about the future. We try to analyze things, determine our position and make plans. Some people call this sort of thing strategy meeting.

As I return, my bike awaits me. Tomorrow morning, we will start on the “Mozart Bike Tour”. We plan to ride through the Tauernschleuse to Venice via Salzburg. We want to ride our bikes in and through a golden October. It is a tour we had planned quite some time ago. On October, 5th, we will arrive back in Munich on the night train. Expected arrival time is 6.30 a.m.

If trains are on time, I will spend exactly 43 minutes in Munich, because the departure time of my train to Zurich is at 7.13 a.m. – I am going to attend a RISE workshop. I always very much look forward to this event. Consequently, I plan to substitute my bike and luggage with my valise and suit and tie.

In October, however, many more things will happen. There will be a (hopefully) interesting conference on the fair and, of course, the Munich Science Days. And in November, we just continue. The month will start on November, 3rd with a presentation, then there is a particularly special event, the Dornbirn PM-CAMP11.

As you see, my life will not be boring. In between, there is plenty of work. The situation almost looks like you might get burned out. But since it is all great fun, I am not worried.

Yet my poor blog will suffer.

(Translated by EG)


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