At “brand eins“, the year 2012 is already under way. Before me lies the January edition. I rather like the black-and-white photograph on the cover page: What do you do when you need not do anything? By Dieter Meier. I cannot yet find it on the internet. Consequently, I had to take a picture of the title page myself.
Well, here we go!
As usual, the first thing I do is hold it over the table so the adverts can sail out. With all other newspapers and magazines, they end up in the rubbish bin without me taking a single look at them. With “brand eins“, I make an exception from the rule and sort through them.
The first thing that flutters out is an envelope. How nice that I am invited to take part in a survey by “Wirtschafts Woche“. In exchange, they offer me 10 Wirtschaftswoche editions for the special price of € 25.90 instead of the standard 45 €. Wow. That means I would save € 19.10! I would even get a free “Aktion Mensch“ lottery ticket. Which would give me the chance to win one of 5 coupons for 100,000 Miles & More as premium mileage.
Well, unfortuately neither the “Wirtschaftswoche“ nor the rest of the package look particularly attractive to me. Perhaps I should have thrown the adverts away unseen, as usual. Besides, I cannot imagine the readers of “brand eins“ being potential Wirtschaftswoche buyers. Except perhaps as a compensation?
But hey, something else falls out of the pages: a “qualifying program on leadership and counselling by discourse“ of Metaplan. They are already 40 years old. I have attended their workshops for almost as long. It is an invitation to attend an orientation workship between May, 4th and May, 5th. Well, that soundss more like the right thing for “brand eins“ readers.
As I once more turn it upside down, nothing else falls out. Now the newspaper is empty – and I can start concentrating on its content.
Take The Liberty is what is printed in white on the neon-red (?) title page. The focal point is Saying No.
For me, liberty is a very important and extremely difficult term. That is why I am always looking for liberty (Freiheit) and collecting definitions (Definitionen) of same. The older I get, the more often I take the liberty to say no.
But now, I first take the liberty to look at the magazine. Of course, the first thing I read is the editorial by Frau Fischer.
In her opinion, the “word of the year 2011“ was the word “NO“. Well, I think “YES, IT WAS“ – and ask myself if that means it was a good or a bad year.
After having browsed through it and read a few articles of the magazine, I – again – come up with a super verdict on the “Christmas brand eins“. In fact, I was going to write “much better than the Wirtschaftswoche“ – but it seems almost unfair to compare the two.
And tomorrow, I will recommend to all the readers of my Advent Calendar that they buy the “brand eins“ as a last-minute-gift.
For me, the “brand eins“ is also encouraging. In the future, I will continue to voice my own opinions and say NO more often. And finally, I use the same citation as Frau Fischer in her editorial. It is by Peter Lau (p. 141):
Yes is a street, No is a horizon!
(Translated by EG)