brand eins in July

The newest “brand eins” is titled

Earning Money On The Internet

Now, isn’t that to my taste?

It is definitely something yours truly and all “digital natives“ have been dreaming of for a long time. The sub-title is hard to find, even for me.

This seems to be a “brand eins” without any sub-title – a novelty. At the bottom right-hand corner, I finally discover something that hints at the focal point:

Digital Economy.

Yet, before opening the cellophane wrapping, I do my usual act and ask myself:

What comes to mind when I read this title?

Well, it is quite simple, isn’t it? It is certainly nice to earn money on the internet. All I have to do is find the right method – and suddenly everything is very easy. In fact, it reminds me a little of the lottery except that “filling in the lottery ticket“ is easier and less expensive – and also less hopeless than “earning money on the internet” – at least for the likes of us.

But maybe the magazine will now teach me how to do it properly! And then I will end up truly wealthy. I get impatient and dispose of the wrapping…

The first thing I discover is that there is a second magazine, as well. Oh God, I think, all this advertising. But the second magazine looks a little like the brand eins. Yet it is no brand eins. Instead, it says:

Help! Between illness, provision and business.

And underneath:

A magazine about the pharmaceutical industry.

I take a closer look at the legal notice. The magazine is edited by the Federal Pharmaceutical Association (BPI) e.V., but it seems like it was designed by the brand eins editorial staff. So is this some sales lobby? Fine by me. I will also take a closer look at this additional magazine.

But back to brand eins.

This time, many articles are about “rights” to intellectual property. These rights are controversial, perhaps antiquated. It is about cultures where these kinds of rights do not even exist. It is about sectors where people lament on an extremely high level and about sectors that have actually learned to handle intellectual property.

After having browsed through some of the articles, I think this brand eins mostly shows problems that accompany our current right to intellectual property. Unfortunately, however, it offers no solution to the problem. Still, one can see that the current legal situation is far from adequate for mirroring life in our society and that it is high time for some changes.

Otherwise – and this is now again my own personal opinion – we are heading towards a discrepancy between the nation and its citizens. In the end, the citizen would have to basically ignore the laws – just in order not to end up feeling stupid all the time. Such a situation will undermine the legal situation even more, before – absurdly – creating even more regulations. Because the more laws you have, the less people will abide by them. Which is why you need even more laws. And so on.

But what will happen if the citizens see the state and its laws as just some inconvenient antiquity more and more often? And if they then – perhaps even justifiably – ignore the inflationary multitude of stupid laws – by doing what they intuitively feel to be the right thing? We would tend more towards anarchy, instead of democracy or a constitutional state. But perhaps that is our future?

On the other hand, if laws are no longer taken seriously, the situation might be rather dangerous for a democracy. I frankly do not know what to say to this.

But back to the magazine. It wakes you up and contains radical truths and ingenious articles.

My special recommendation for you to read are pages 26 and following: “as time goes by”. It is a diary of national bankruptcy written in a way that truly makes you smile. Absolutely fantastic!

I also find the information on pages 74 and following quite interesting: the turnover of the pornographic industry. Somehow or other, the numbers seem rather low to me. They look almost like InterFace could get similar results.

So good-bye till the next brand eins. Your faithful “brand eins” reader,  Roland Dürre.


(Translated by EG)


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