I am sitting at Munich Airport (Franz-Josef-Strauß) and waiting for my flight to Los Angeles. Sitting in the Subway train on my way to the South Sea, I finally had time to read – or rather, to browse a little in the latest “brand eins”.
Off You Go…
is what it says on top of the title page picture. Underneath, it says:
That is what the new society wants.
With the newest FOCAL POINT on: The Moving Centre,
following the maxim
Humans need more of the average
It reminds me of my much-admired teacher Rupert Lay – who judged mediocrity to be one of the main problems of our society.
Off you go – that is what I, too, tell myself. Fourteen hours from now, I want to be in L.A., where I will spend a night and a day, and then off we go to Nadi on the Fidschi Islands. Another 10 hours in the plane. Is that what the new society wants? I do not know – and besides, it has nothing to do with this “brand eins” edition.
Incidentally, the new “brand eins” has been sitting at home for a week already. There was no time to read anything before the trip. This is what you call the destiny of a manager and internet-user.
🙂 Now, sitting in the train on my way to the airport, I finally had time to take a look. Consequently, I will now relate to you what I discovered inside “brand eins” between the stations of “Munich East” and “Munich Airport”.
I found the Can’t be Bothered Riddle quite interesting: How can the economy boom while the majority of employees have given notice emotionally, as Gallup tells us at regular intervals? Well, I would have answered: the reason is the motivation bosom (Motivationsbusen). The explanation given in “brand eins” is simpler and shorter.
When discussing the focal theme, “brand eins” almost turns philosophical. That is well done, because I think philosophy is more legitimate than “economic science”. If you read the texts with a critical mind, it seems to me you can read between the lines that much is amiss today in “business life” and that, in some way, we need to set out in a new direction. And that the political order also plays a role in the process. But it looks rather glum on that front, doesn’t it?
It is absolutely worth reading, the classification of attendees in this obscure life, too. The crises with which we allegedly grew up are also described rather charmingly. As a matter of facts, I am now 60 years old and cannot remember a single crisis that gave me pause or deserved to be called crisis. No – in 1962, at the age of twelve, during the Cuba Crisis (Kubakrise – also known as “Cuban Missile Crisis”) I had the impression the world was near the abyss.
I also find many associations on other catchwords. The copyright is touched when they are talking the “maker”, other terms that get my attention are: free spirit, fair trade, social entrepreneur, do-gooder with business sense or also women and technology under cheeky brats.
The saviour in times of misery (EZB and its balance sheet) is also present. But it sounds more like the “king’s messenger” in the “Dreigroschenoper”.
Again, there are many nice articles. Of course, the way from Munich East to Munich Airport by train did not take long enough to read them all. That means there is plenty left for me to do on board the ship (maintain duerre.de, promote IF-AGORA.de, of course write my vacation diary in the IF blog and, last not least, read “brand eins”).
I have to stop now, they are calling my flight…
(Translated by EG)