brand eins in September

001_b1_05_13_Titel_4c.inddNow it is back again with me: my “brand eins”. At long last, I can write about it. Even though this is already the end of September.

My article is late because the September “brand eins” edition never found its way to my address. Either someone stole it from my newspaper box, or it fell victim to my move. Consequently, I bought it at the kiosk. And I was quite surprised that the price for this magazine is actually 8.50 Euros.

This used to be as much as 17 Deutsche Marks and at the time when we still paid with the DM (may God rest its soul), I could have bought quite a few “Playboy” editions for this kind of money – which at the time seemed rather expensive to me.

But then, for the “brand eins”, I would be prepared to pay even 10 Euros. That is about as much as one litre of Octoberfest Beer costs – and we all know how fast you can drink one of those.

When I had my “brand eins”, I let some other people borrow it. This is how it also made a short involuntary trip from Berlin to Stuttgart – but not in my backpack.

But it remained true to me and returned in the end. It came back by postal delivery in an envelope to which a small postfix was attached. It said:

Hello dear Roland, thanks a lot! I enjoyed it while it stayed with me in Berlin. Kind regards, W.

This made me quite happy, so that I removed the post-it. And to my horror, I found a second post-it underneath the first one saying:
We need to talk.

Oh my God, I thought: what mistakes did I make? Until I noticed that the second post-it was no post-it at all. Instead, it was part of the title page, printed right into the title text. Because the September “brand eins” has as its focal point:


And if you wish to negotiate, you definitely will have to talk.

Incidentally, it is a very nice “brand eins” edition. You will find many very exciting topics. I will not write about the content, because this is already the 19th of the month and consequently you all will have read it already, anyway.

But I will tell you one thing. Mr. W. (see above) told me he was just as terrified as I when I handed him the “brand eins” with the post-it attached to it. It would be really interesting to find out how many more “brand eins” readers shared the experience. Well, so much on our beloved sub-conscious.

And now – we have to talk.

(Translated by EG)


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