Since we have just had our Christmas Party, I keep seeing Santa Claus wherever I look and everything looks Christmassy in our country, here are some more “Christmassy“ impressions.
By accident, I got hold of this picture with the Christmassy motto “Mary and Joseph look upon it with joy”. Jens Gassner took the picture during a night-time train journey – of course he used his “Smart phone”. And then he added the following text to the picture:
What you are looking at on this picture is not Jesus Christ in the manger, but an iPad. For the five-year-old boy, this is the first time he touches a tablet. After a minimum of instruction, he tries game after game and is apparently absolutely thrilled.
Mary and Joseph, the joyous spectators, are not married, either – the persons you see in this scene, as well as the photographer, accidentally met because they were sitting in the same train.
Greetings, Jens
Now isn’t that already something like a modern Christmas Tale. Many thanks to Jens!
(Translated by EG)