On Tuesday, February, 16th, 2016, Dr. Martin Held and my friend Jörg Schindler will give an exciting presentation on:
Cheap Oil – Motor for the Economy or Obstacle on the Way to Transformation?
at the orange bar.
Admission from 18:30 hours | starting at 19:00 hours | finale at 20:30 hours in the orange bar, Green City Energy, Zirkus-Krone-Straße 10, (6. OG), Munich
Admission: free.

Are you a car driver, property owner or entrepreneur? Everybody is happy about the low oil prices and the resulting cheaper energy.
It saves money and, in the short run, has the effect of a great global economic stimulus plan. For the economy, they also expect positive impulses.
Except – the central traffic sector will remain extremely dependent on oil. This is a problem that cannot be solved by simply pulling the lever, following the motto “no more oil, electricity instead” (keeping everything else as before).
Instead of triggering the transition to post-fossil mobility, the oil production is now extended to arctic seas and ever lower oceanic altitudes at a high ecological risk. The low prices are misinterpreted and seen as fortuitous boom boosters, providing an extra motivation to again do some serious “upgrading”.
What are the reasons for the oil prices falling so drastically? What price will our society have to pay for this prolonged fossil resource consumption? Will this make a halfway tolerable transition towards a post-fossil, sustainable development (Great Transformation) even harder to achieve?
The speakers Dr. Martin Held and Jörg Schindler say that the most important factor for a successful Great Transformation is in danger: the adaptation time. What are the alternatives? Who could start working on said alternatives? What is the role of the civil society when it comes to the future transformation process?
For registration, please send an E-Mail to andreas.schuster@greencity.de or call 089/890668319.
The speakers are:
Dr. Martin Held (discussion group: Die Transformateure – Akteure der Großen Transformation, board member at ASPO Deutschland e.V. and long-time head of studies at Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Tutzing)
Jörg Schindler (discussion group Die Transformateure – Akteure der Großen Transformation, board member at ASPO Deutschland e.V. and long-time managing director of Ludwig-Bölkow foundation, Neubiberg)
(Translated by EG)
If you cannot come to the presentation but still wish to invite the speakers at another time, I will gladly connect you. Just send me an E-Mail .