Another Year is Over! Thank You!
My Dear Friends!
Vivat the New Year!
Here is what I wish you, along with a little wish of mine for 2019!
May this piggy bring you all lots of happiness! It has been my Sylvester talisman for many years in IF Blog.
A good start!
Enjoy the new year!
Enjoy the world and honour creation!
Do not shun common sense!
Be free!
Live in lust and joy!
Be autonomous and follow your stars!
Do what you want to do!
Think first of yourself but then also of the others!
And, please, do not become martyrs for a “good cause”!
Do not act right but instead do the right things!
In six words and two sentences:
Enjoy life!
Be totally happy!
And I mean every minute of every day and night of your life in the new year 2019!
And here is my wish. Unlike my ”Christmas Greetings 2018“, it is not only for the “old white men“, but for all the people! I would wish that, in 2019, we all act a little more rationally than in 2018 and in the years before, perhaps as I suggest in my DontBuy Article!
Because it is simply a no-go that we destroy the planet with canine madness and kill each other in wars.
But above all
To all of you!
The picture is a true click-pig. It is the first thing you get on google. Zillions of people have seen it. It was arranged by my friend Rolo Zollner. He created it for IF Blog and it is listed under Common Licence, which means you can use it if you cite the source and author.